World Council
of National Catholic Churches
The Undivided Church of the First Millennium

What are national

сatholic churches?

Who are we?
What are the differences?
1. First division (DISCIPLINARY) of the Roman Catholic Church – compulsory celibacy

Until the Second Lateran Council held 1139, it exists only one Catholic Church, with the Pope in Rome, our spiritual father, on the head. This council introduced compulsory celibacy and destroyed the millennial practice of marriage the church. After breaking the millennial practice of ordination of married, the Tradition of the Old Church, based on the testimony of the Gospels and the Apostles, was broken. This was the first diversion of the Church, in a disciplinary sense.

2. Second division (DOGMATIC) of the Roman Catholic Church – Pastor aeternus

Until the First Vatican Council held 1870., it still exists only one church jurisdiction of the Catholic Church, with the Pope in Rome, our spiritual father, on the head. But with dogmatic decree Pastor aeternus (about the infallibility [and juridic omnipotence] of the Bishop of Rome) the old church was definitely wounded, and that was not the same Church any more.

The history of the Church does not know one infallibility bishop, except Christ Jesus our infallible Lord. And the jurisdictional omnipotence of the bishops in Rome, if they existed, ceased with a schism in 1054, so it was pointless to declare it on the First Vatican Council in 1870., after a series of centuries of ecclesiastical independence of the Eastern Orthodox Churches. Unity can be created with love and understanding and not by unilateral dogmatic decrees (Pastor aeternus).

3. Third division (PASTORAL & SACRAMENTAL) of the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht Union

Utrecht union was one positive attempt to overcome a disciplinary and dogmatic division of Roman Catholic Church, but Utrecht Union, has fallen into a new pastoral and sacramental division, introducing the apostatic blessing of same-sex couples and ordination of women to the Holy Orders, and this is foreign to the two-millennium practice of the Church of Christ.

4. Authentic solution - World Council of National Catholic Churches

Because of all the above, as a true return to the authenticity of Catholicism, the WCNCC was created to be community of national Catholic churches that remain on Catholic doctrine and tradition. The WCNCC was established at a meeting in Mafra, Portugal, from 22 to 25 October 2004.

The WCNCC bridges the discontinuity and manifests the continuity of authentic Catholicism. In this way the Catholic Church operates without flaws in the unity of the autocephalous ecclesiastical regions united in the World Council of National Catholic Churches, as one Catholic Church, originally founded by our Lord Jesus Christ and developed by his apostles and their successors in the Holy Spirit. The visible sign of the unity of the Church is the Old Catholic Patriarch.

Therefore, we honor the memory of all popes of true faith, starting with the married Pope St. Peter (+67) to Pope Honorius II. (+1130), we recognize them as our holy fathers. According to the present Pope’s, we have great respect, and it is left to the Metropolitans to choose to mention the Pope in the Canon of the Mass.

5. Filioque problem remains for the future solivng

Filioque is a Latin term ("and from the Son") added to the original Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (commonly known as the Nicene Creed), and which has been the subject of great controversy between Eastern and Western Christianity. It is a term that refers to the Son, Jesus Christ, as an additional origin point of the Holy Spirit. It is not in the original text of the Creed, attributed to the First Council of Constantinople (381), which says that the Holy Spirit proceeds "from the Father", without additions of any kind, such as "and from the Son". The Filioque problem has provoked many unnecessary debates in the Church. We hope this problem will be overcome in the future.

6. Overcoming divisions among churches

The splitting of the church is contrary to God's will. All Church in the world is in a sad position because there is no unity between. We hope and pray the Holy Spirit to create Church unity again. Because that is the will of our Lord and Savior Jesus.

The issue of communion and jurisdiction among the churches is realized through dialogue between the Churches, which achieves its realization in the church intercommunion. The acceptance of one Bishop as main (Pope) - on the basis of an eventually successful dialogue - can be based on canonical ecclesiastical law.

The precondition for this is putting the discipline of celibacy out of force for members of WCNCC and not impose a dogmatic decree Pastor aeternus.
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What about apostolic succession?

Our ecclesiastical hierarchy goes back directly and in continuity, through an unbroken series of ordinations (consecrations) of bishops, to the Apostles ordained by Jesus Christ.

The sacramental validity and efficacy of episcopal ordinations, as well as the intactness of the ancient beliefs and practices of the Church of Christ, are considered the most important instrument and guarantee of the preservation of the apostolic succession.

The ordination of bishops in the World Council of the National Catholic Churches goes back to St. Peter the Apostle.
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